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How to Create Impactful Training Videos in 2023

In today’s fast-paced and technology-driven world, the need for effective and engaging training videos has never been more critical. If you’re looking to up your training game and create impactful training videos that resonate with your audience, you’ve come to the right place. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the entire process, from planning and preparation to filming and editing your masterpiece. Get ready to unleash your creative potential and make a lasting impact on your audience!

Short Summary

  • Create impactful training videos with the power of visual learning and personalized, on-demand access.

  • Utilize software screencasts, corporate onboarding videos, animated explainer videos & interactive learning for maximum engagement.

  • Plan ahead & prepare a motivating tone to create an effective video tailored to your target audience’s needs!

The Power of Training Videos

Training videos have become an integral part of employee training, offering an incredibly effective way to impart knowledge and empower individuals or groups to learn a new skill or deepen their understanding of a particular topic. With the rise of remote work, the importance of effective training videos has grown even more, as they play a vital role in onboarding new team members, saving time and resources, and providing seamless communication within your team. But to create employee training videos that are impactful, one must understand the needs of the audience, script and storyboard the content, employ the best filming techniques and practices, and edit and enhance the employee training video to make it truly stand out.

By harnessing the power of training videos, organizations can provide tutorial videos to both remote and in-house team members, explain new policies or processes, and help individuals succeed in their respective roles. So, how do we tap into this potential and create training videos that truly make a difference? Let’s dive into the world of visual learning and discover the advantages it holds.

Visual Learning Advantage

Visual learning can be incredibly powerful, leading to better comprehension and engagement. In fact, using video editing software can lead to greater retention and engagement, and can even boost knowledge retention by up to 65%. Video is an extremely engaging form of content. It appeals to both visual and auditory learners.

Platforms like VEED enable people of all skill levels to effortlessly craft high-quality training videos that are captivating and professional-looking. So let’s explore the flexibility and convenience that training videos can offer, making the learning process a breeze.

Flexibility and Convenience

One of the most significant advantages of video training is the convenient on-demand access it provides, enabling learners to progress at their own speed. This means that you can create a training video that suits your needs, and learners can access it whenever they want, making learning more flexible and personalized. Video tracking features also help learners stay on track with their course progress and prevent them from skipping ahead in the presenter style video. The power of on-demand access to training videos cannot be underestimated, as evidenced by the impressive 5 million views of TED-Ed’s business training video.

Now that we’ve seen the advantages of training videos, let’s explore the different types available and how they can be utilized for various purposes.

Types of Training Videos for Various Purposes

The world of training videos is vast and diverse, offering an array of options to cater to different needs and scenarios. From software screencasts and corporate onboarding videos to animated explainer videos and interactive learning videos, each type of training video has its unique use cases and benefits. With so many possibilities at your disposal, it’s crucial to choose the right video format to convey your message effectively and engage your audience.

So let’s dive deeper into each type of training video and discover how they can be applied to various situations.

Software Screencasts

A software screencast is an effective way to show your audience how to use software applications, websites, or follow any process on a computer. These recordings of computer screens or mobile devices are powerful training tools that are both cost-effective and straightforward to create.

With software options like Camtasia and Snagit, you can easily create high-quality screencasts that can quickly communicate with coworkers or serve as more professional and refined videos for training purposes. Consider employing software screencasts in your next training video for a practical and efficient learning experience.

Corporate Onboarding Videos

Corporate onboarding videos provide an invaluable tool for employee onboarding and orientation, offering consistent messaging, cost savings, and increased engagement. By using videos for training purposes, you can cover essential workplace topics such as customer service, shifts and schedules, and company policies, all while making learning more engaging and interactive.

Tutorial videos, in particular, can be tailored to cover almost any topic, and incorporating interactive elements such as quizzes and annotations can help boost retention. For a successful example of a corporate training video, look no further than Uber’s video for onboarding and training new drivers.

Animated Explainer Videos

Animated explainer videos are an excellent way to simplify complex concepts and make learning more engaging. Using whiteboard animation, these videos capture the audience’s attention and help them remember key information.

Motion graphics training videos, which use computer simulations or animations instead of traditional human actors or presenters, are another exciting option for creating visually engaging training content. Looking for an example of an animated explainer video? Check out this video.

The captivating visuals and interactive nature of animated videos make them a powerful tool for training and learning.

Interactive Learning Videos

Interactive learning videos offer an engaged learning experience, where learners can take charge of their own storyline and gain knowledge through an involved experience. Incorporating interactive elements and feedback mechanisms in training videos can significantly increase engagement and retention, allowing learners to actively participate in their learning journey and practice real-life scenarios in various contexts.

By providing immediate feedback, interactive videos enable learners to quickly identify areas that need further development, leading to a more personalized and impactful learning experience.

Now that we’ve explored the various types of training videos, let’s dive into the planning and preparation process.

Planning and Preparing for Your Training Video

Before diving into the actual creation of your training video, it’s crucial to have a solid plan in place to ensure its success. This includes setting clear goals and objectives for the video, as well as understanding your target audience and their needs. By choosing an engaging and relevant topic tailored to your viewers, you can avoid creating videos that fail to provide them with the information they need.

So let’s explore the process of setting goals and objectives, as well as understanding your target audience, in more detail.

Setting Goals and Objectives

Defining clear goals and learning objectives for a training video is crucial to ensure that the video is focused and effective, helping you maximize its impact. By getting crystal clear on what you want your audience to learn or achieve after watching the training video, you can make sure your objectives are precise, quantifiable, and achievable.

Additionally, it’s essential to align your goals and objectives with the overall training program to create a unified and successful learning experience. Harness the power of storytelling to capture your audience’s attention and make the training video more memorable by constructing a narrative that supports your learning objectives and keeps viewers captivated throughout the video.

Understanding Your Target Audience

To create a truly engaging and impactful training video, it’s essential to research and understand the demographics, interests, and job functions of your target audience. This will help you craft content that meets their needs and preferences, leading to more effective and captivating training videos.

By getting to know your target audience, you can ensure that your content is tailored to meet their needs and preferences, leading to more impactful and captivating training videos. With a clear understanding of your audience, you can create a training video that resonates and provides value, setting you on the path to success.

Essential Elements of Effective Training Videos

Now that you have a solid plan in place and a thorough understanding of your target audience, it’s time to explore the essential elements that make a training video engaging and impactful. A truly effective training video should have clear and concise content, a visually engaging presentation, and interactivity and feedback to keep learners engaged and motivated.

By focusing on these key components, you can create a high-quality training video that not only conveys information effectively but also leaves a lasting impression on your audience.

Clear and Concise Content

The foundation of any impactful training video lies in its content. Ensuring that your content is clear, concise, and easy to understand is crucial for keeping your audience engaged and retaining the information presented. By maintaining focus on the learning outcome, you can ensure that every piece of information presented supports the chosen outcome, avoiding confusion and increasing engagement.

Writing in a clear and concise manner involves using simple language, avoiding jargon, and using active voice. By keeping your content focused and easy to understand, you can create a training video that effectively conveys your message and leaves a lasting impact on your audience.

Visually Engaging Presentation

The visual presentation of your training video plays a significant role in capturing and maintaining your audience’s attention. By incorporating visually appealing elements such as images, videos, animations, and infographics, you can make your training video more engaging and memorable.

It’s essential to maintain a balance between the visual elements and the content of the video to ensure that the visuals support the content and don’t distract or overwhelm the viewer. By creating a visually engaging presentation, you can keep your viewers interested and ensure that they retain the information presented in your training video.

Interactivity and Feedback

Incorporating interactive elements and feedback mechanisms in your training video can significantly increase engagement and help learners retain the information more effectively. Interactive elements offer learners the chance to actively participate in their learning journey and practice real-life scenarios in various contexts, encouraging personalized learning experiences and giving learners more autonomy and control.

Moreover, interactive videos provide immediate feedback to learners, allowing them to quickly identify areas that need further development. By including interactivity and feedback in your training video, you can create a more engaging and impactful learning experience for your audience.

Creating Your Training Video: Step-by-Step Guide

With a solid understanding of the essential elements of effective training videos and a well-defined plan in place, it’s time to dive into the actual creation process. This step-by-step guide will walk you through scripting, filming, and editing your training video, ensuring that you create a high-quality and engaging final product.

From choosing the right tools and equipment to perfecting your filming techniques and best practices, this guide will provide you with everything you need to create a truly impactful training video.

Scripting and Storyboarding

The first step in creating your training video is to develop a script and storyboard to plan and visualize your video content. This will help you outline the different phases of your video and determine how it progresses, ensuring that your training video is engaging and captivating.

A well-written script is essential for creating videos that are easy to follow and understand, while a storyboard helps you assess the audio and visuals of a video, ensuring that it achieves its goal and maintains the viewer’s interest.

By investing time in scripting and storyboarding, you can ensure that your training video is well-structured, organized, and compelling.

Filming Techniques and Best Practices

Once you have a solid script and storyboard in place, it’s time to turn your attention to filming your training video. Using the right filming techniques and best practices is crucial for creating a high-quality and engaging final product. This includes using proper lighting, lenses, and camera movement techniques to capture beautiful shots and create a visually engaging presentation.

Additionally, practicing recording screencasts or using a smartphone camera can help you hone your filming skills and create a captivating training video. By focusing on developing your filming techniques and employing best practices, you can ensure that your training video is both visually appealing and effective.

Editing and Enhancing Your Video

The final step in creating your training video is to edit and enhance the footage using various editing tools and techniques. This includes color correction, audio mixing, adding transitions, and adding special effects to make your video even more captivating. Templates can help you save time and produce professional-looking results, especially when creating multiple videos or a video course.

By taking the time to edit and enhance your training video, you can ensure that it is polished, professional, and impactful, leaving a lasting impression on your audience.

Distributing and Measuring the Impact of Your Training Videos

Once you’ve created your training video, it’s essential to distribute it effectively and measure its impact to ensure that it’s meeting its intended objectives. This involves hosting and sharing your video on various platforms such as learning management systems, YouTube, and Vimeo, as well as tracking and analyzing the performance of your video to measure its impact and identify areas for improvement.

By distributing your training video effectively and measuring its impact, you can ensure that your hard work pays off and that your audience benefits from your training video.

Hosting and Sharing Platforms

There are various platforms available for hosting and sharing your training videos, each with its own unique features and benefits. For example, YouTube and Vimeo are excellent free hosting platforms that enable you to reach a wide audience and provide them with easy access to your training videos.

For more sensitive or confidential training videos, you can opt for an internal network, an existing company knowledge base, or a password-protected page on your website. By choosing the right hosting and sharing platform for your needs, you can ensure that your training videos are easily accessible and secure for your intended audience.

Tracking and Analyzing Performance

Tracking and analyzing the performance of your training videos is crucial for measuring their impact and identifying areas for improvement. By monitoring metrics such as completion rate, engagement rate, and retention rate, you can determine the success of your training videos and pinpoint areas that need further development.

Surveys, interviews, and analytics tools can also be used to track and analyze performance effectively, providing valuable insights into the effectiveness of your training videos. By consistently tracking and analyzing the performance of your training videos, you can ensure that they are effective, engaging, and meeting the desired objectives.

Inspiring Examples of Training Videos

To spark your creativity and help you envision the possibilities for your own employee training videos, let’s take a look at some inspiring examples of successful training videos and video tutorials. From software screencasts and corporate onboarding videos to animated explainer videos and interactive learning videos, these examples showcase the power of engaging and informative employee training.

By studying these examples and drawing motivation from their success, you can create your own impactful training videos that captivate your audience and leave a lasting impression.

Frequently Ask Questions

Creating and using training videos can be a complex process, and you may have questions or concerns along the way. In this section, we address some common questions and concerns related to creating and using training videos, providing guidance and insight to help you navigate the process with confidence and ease.

By addressing these frequently asked questions, we hope to provide you with the information and support you need to create successful and impactful training videos.


In conclusion, creating impactful training videos is an essential skill in today’s fast-paced and technology-driven world. From planning and preparation to filming and editing, this comprehensive guide has provided you with the knowledge and tools necessary to create engaging and effective training videos that will resonate with your audience and leave a lasting impact. So, go forth and create training videos that inspire, educate, and empower your audience, and watch as your organization thrives and grows.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a training video?

A training video is a type of video used to instruct and educate viewers on a particular topic in order to teach a skill or knowledge. It can be used for either employee or customer training.

What makes a great training video?

A great training video should be tailored to the needs of the audience, be quick and easy to understand, and have a logical structure. It should include elements that make immediate sense to the learner and remain relevant and memorable.

What are the different types of training videos?

Training videos come in many shapes and sizes, from product demos and tutorials to presentations and simulations. They can provide interactive visual aids or step-by-step guides to help employees learn new skills.

Training videos are an effective way to make learning easier and more engaging.

Create how to videos?

Creating a video tutorial is easy with these 10 steps! Brainstorm your video, create a storyboard, write a script and practice it, choose a recording location and organize your equipment, record the video and then edit – and you’ll be done in no time!

Make sure to check for any artifacts before finalizing.

Do I need an expensive camera to create training videos?

You don’t need an expensive camera to create quality training videos. A smartphone or webcam will do the job just fine, giving your audience the motivation they need. corporate training video is a video designed to discuss what is considered best practice in the workspace and to train employees on company policies. The purpose of a training video is to teach and not to entertain, however it should still be engaging. A successful training video's content will lead to learning about company processes and procedures. The video should cover a variety of training topics such as mandated compliance regulations. Developing a corporate training video is an efficient way to create consistent company-wide messages for easy distribution. The need to implement video-based training is greater than ever before and can greatly reduce training related expenses. As more companies switch to working remotely, the use of video works well for training because of greater learner engagement.

If you are ready to make the switch to video-based training during the boom of remote learning, check out 3 Ton Group. 3 Ton Group is flexible, responsive and has the ability to create compelling visual content for corporate training video production. Check out our other post on Promo Videos.

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